$100 + Ticket Price!
Dinner Show Package
Enhance your concert by adding a fine dining experience at our hotel’s award winning waterfront restaurant Humphreys SoCal Dining & Music. Indulge in the best of modern global cuisine selected from a specially crafted dinner show menu. Afterwards enjoy a vibrant evening in our beautiful outdoor concert venue.
Includes the following:
- Dinner at Humphreys Restaurant: Soup or Salad, Entree & Non-alcoholic beverage
- Choice of dessert made in house by our Pastry Chef.
- Priority Seating
The menu changes frequently and includes seasonal specialties such as Grilled Canadian Salmon with Pecarino Romano Risotto and Port Wine Sauce, Cedar River Filet Mignon with gorgonzola-potato gratin and tempranillo demi-glace, Seared Alaskan Halibut with Herbed Basmati Rice and Basil Butter Sauce.